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Every aspect of my life has been changed by Christ. His free gift of salvation has saved me. My heart, once empty, is now overflowing with true joy and beats with passion for my Savior.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

~A Year Ago~

My precious daughter,

A year ago today, my life changed forever. The moment I saw you, I knew what unconditional love truly was. I thought I had known it before, but I didn't. I would have never believed in the depth, strength & magnitude of the love I was now experiencing for you. My heart beautifully ached as it attempted to contain all the new passion & love that began beating inside itself. It was overwhelming. It was scary. It was the most breathtaking moment I have ever experienced. I was looking straight into the reflection of our God. You didn't say or do anything to deserve my love, except just...exist. You didn't ask me to love you, but I eagerly & without hesitation gave you my entire heart; even the most tender & intimate areas of my heart. The parts that I was almost scared to use because they are actual pieces of my very core & spirit. Without them, I do not exist. But I have given those pieces to you, my sweet darling. And you too, are now a part of my very being. You are closer to me than the air I breathe & more precious to me than my own life. You are the most exquisite of all creation. You are kind & gentle & beautiful & strong. And Almighty God has entrusted your daddy & I with you. A responsibility that we do not take lightly. You are destined for greatness. May you love Jesus above anything or anyone. May His Word be written on the tablet of your heart. And may you look in the mirror every single day & see your true identity- a warrior princess with a calling higher than anyone could ever know.

I love you, peanut.

